Monday, July 12, 2010

Foreign Aid - Is it worth it??

How much foreign aid does the us government give away?
In: History Politics and Society
the US spends more than other countries in total dollars, as a percentage of its total annual budget it give 25 billion dollars away a year! Mostly to countries who dont need it, and or hate the USA.

the OECD calculated that in 2008 the US spent about 25 billion dollars in foreign aid, Germany spending the next largest amount at about 13 billion.

most OECD countries pledged to spend 0.7% of its GNI on foreign aid, but most countries (including the US) fall far short of that figure.

in 2008 the US spent a little under 0.2% of its GNI on foreign aid, the lowest figure out of the OECD countries. the most generous countries (and the only ones who contributed more than the required 0.7%) were Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

OECD member countries also often inflate their (already low) contribution numbers by including emergency aid in their foreign aid donations. so for example, the US might give millions of dollars of food, water and medical aid to countries in the Pacific islands hit by tsunamis, and then use that as an excuse to renege on its original, still un-met, obligations to give aid for road construction and so forth.

While some US Americans feel that the United States gives away too much money to international causes, $25 billion dollars is a very small percentage of the 2009 estimated federal government income of $2.7 trillion dollars.

Worth it - It hasn't done much in the way of "Good Will" It has promoted a a world wide feeling of entitlement and GRAFT - I suggest we cut the entire amount until our economy is stable. Then maybe we'll get some respect along with our hard earned gifts to the world.

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