Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Into the Unkown - " Old Age Isn't for Sissy's"

My Dear Mother says old age isn't for sissy's - an Art Linkletter quote, she's right and it's only going to get worse for the largest age demographic in the United States -
The Baby Boomers.

There are going to be huge problems as this huge population begins to retire - taxing every existing governmental system with crushing needs in healthcare, food and housing. There was no way we could properly take care of our seniors prior to the incredibly large stimulus program - the cost to this countries resources will ultimately enslave the working class in a socialistic quicksand.
Senior reservations will have to be created to house, feed and care for those Boomers with out savings and retirement plans. A full 30% of baby boomers have NO retirement plan or savings. Employment opportunities are non-existent for those over 60 now in a country with 10% universal unemployment.
The cost of supporting illegal aliens far outweighs anything they may pay into the system costing the American taxpayers in excess of 300 billion dollars every year.
The elephant in the room is what will happen as this demographic age? In the coming days we will look at the statistical facts from the Pew Research Center prior to the Obama agenda about care and cost and the economic ramifications in this every more socialist environment. How is it possible in this country of 305 million people that only 93 million people pay any sort of income taxes to support this gigantic entitlement behemoth? How is it that 53% of the population is supported in some way by government - when governments only access to wealth is to appropriate it from others - GOVERNMENT creates NO wealth! Forty Seven Percent of America funds everything.
Yet at this very crucial time the current administration is creating the footings of what will have to become a super socialist society.
Rationing will become the norm when goods and services lose the capability to sustain the needs of a society built on entitlement programs - The frightening part is that will happen without ever taking the boomer generation into consideration. The question then becomes how then do you take care of this the largest generation in American history.
As more of the freshly printed TARP and Economic Stimulus is introduced into the money chain existing money reserves are depreciated in direct proportion as there are no gold reserves to back this notes. Inflation is the only result- projections are as high as 20% in the next 2 years.

Thats all for today - 5/18/10

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